Quick Breakfast Ham and Egg Scallion Pancake


1 servings
  • Ham
    1 piece
  • Egg
    1 piece
  • Scallion pancake
    1 piece

Quick Breakfast Ham and Egg Scallion Pancake

HealthyMeal Prep Easy

Total Time

5 min

Prep Time

0 min

Cook Time

5 min



A quick and easy breakfast recipe featuring a scallion pancake wrapped around ham and egg, ready in just 5 minutes.


  1. 1

    Place the ham slices around the edges of the scallion pancake to form a frame, then crack an egg in the center.

  2. 2

    Fold the edges of the scallion pancake over the ham and egg to wrap them.

  3. 3

    Lightly fry the wrapped pancake, then flip to fry the other side until golden brown.

  4. 4

    Cut the pancake in the middle and serve on a plate.

  5. 5

    Enjoy your quick breakfast!